Thursday, April 5, 2012


The 3 days Penang world music festival 2012 event recently held at the quarry recreational park, Botanic Garden Penang. It was a great treat for music lovers to enjoy various bands around the world.

Bands from Mongolia - Altan Urag, Bali - Gus Teja, Vanuatu - Kalja Riddim Klan, Ireland - Beoga, Russia - Loyko, Colombia - Maite Hontele, Afrika - Guinee Percussions, Kelantan - Geng Wak Long and many more came to perform and introduce their unique musical talent to locals and visitors.

Personally, I truly enjoyed the event especially from the Gus Teja and Altan Urag bands. Gus Teja music rendition injected lots of traditional elements and their musical choice delivered a very soothing feel to the environment. Whereas the Altan Urag band was quite unique in the sense that they were using their throat to produce unique sounds to the music.
Gus-Teja-World-music-penang-2012 Gus Teja
Gus-Teja Gus Teja
Altan-Urag Altan Urag

A moment of darkness with only candle lights during earth hour ...
Tori-Ensemble Performance from Tori Ensemble from Korea
Kalja-Riddim-Klan-1 Kalja Riddim Klan from Vanuatu
Kalja-Riddim-Klan-2 Kalja Riddim Klan from Vanuatu
Guinee-Percussions Entertaining performance from Guinee Percussions Afrika
Guinee-Percussions-Penang-World-Music-2012 Guinee PercussionsBeoga-Ireland Beoga Ireland
Maite-Hontele-Penang-world-music-festival-2012 Solid and well experience performance from Maite Hontele Columbia
Maite-Hontele-Penang-world-music-festival-2012-a Maite Hontele Columbia