Sunday, January 24, 2010

Penang Bird Park Seberang Jaya

Today, I visited the Penang Bird Park located in Seberang Jaya, Penang. The weather was quite hot but thankfully there were shades around this bird park. Surprisingly, this bird park have many bird varieties such as the eagle, owl, flamingo, pheasant, duck, parrot, secretary bird, hornbill, emu, ostrich and many more.

Penang-Bird-Park-Owl-2 This owl looks aggressive. The eyes are as big as a 20 cent coin.

Penang-Bird-Park-Owl Here is another one. Looks a bit more friendly than the previous one.

Penang-Bird-Park-Duck One of the duck species which live together with the flamingos. Very chubby....

Penang-Bird-Park-Gold-Pheasant Along the way, I spotted a few brightly coloured birds. They are the pheasant. Male pheasant has more vibrant colours and longer tails. It was not easy to take this male pheasant shot as it was recklessly moving around probably looking for a mate at the adjacent cage. Too bad, the adjacent cage female pheasant has a partner now.

Penang-Bird-Park-1 No idea what bird is this but it does look cute while resting on the tree roots.

Penang-Bird-Park-Hornbill Hornbills mostly found in Afrika as well as in Asia. It gets its name due to the shape of its bills which looks like a horn.


Penang-Bird-Park-Peacock-3 Just beside the hornbill cage house to another beautiful bird species which is the peacock. They belong to the family of pheasant. The female peacock or peahen is dull in colour contrasty to the male species which are vibrant in colour. It was just the right time for me to take this shot when the male peacock expanding its tails in the process of courting the peahen.

Penang-Bird-Park-Eagle This beautiful bird of prey which I think is a sea eagle likes to make a crying sound. When one made this sound, the rest will echo accordingly.

Owl-Penang-Bird-Park I found this owl very interesting. While sleeping, the face looks as if that it is smiling. It is one of the largest owls that I saw in this bird park.

Stork Initially, this grumpy stork did not bother when I was photographing him but after a few shots, it charges towards my direction. Fortunately, there is a steel partition to prevent the bird from getting too near to visitors.


Penang-Bird-Park-Parrot While looking at other birds, suddenly I heard someone calling 'Hello' and later I found that it is from this blue-yellow macaw that is making the sound. Macaw is a large parrot that has bright colored body and usually is tought to speak and perform in the bird show.



Owl-Penang-Bird-Park-3 My favourite of the day is the cute little owl as above. Surprisingly, this owl likes to be pat on its head and back. By doing so, it will move its body left and right, as if it is dancing around. But beware, not all owls behave like that and only a few that have been tamed pose such friendly behaviour.

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